Buddy Valastro Jail

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Prosecutors Cake Boss Tried To Use His Position Get Out Of Trouble

Prosecutors say 'cake boss' star buddy valastro tried to use his position get out of trouble when he was arrested for allegedly driving drunk. weijia jian...

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Police Cake Boss Buddy Valastro Arrested On Dui Charges

Police said he failed more than one sobriety test and was arrested for dui. cbs2's dave carlin reports.

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Police Cake Boss Buddy Valastro Arrested On Dui Charges

"cake boss" buddy valastro was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence in manhattan early thursday morning, police said. cbs2's mary calvi reports...

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Prosecutors say 'cake boss' star buddy valastro tried to use his position get out of trouble when he was arrested for allegedly driving drunk. Police said he failed more than one sobriety test and was arrested for dui. "cake boss" buddy valastro was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence in manhattan early thursday morning, police said.

Cbs2's dave carlin reports.


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Buddy Valastro Jail
Buddy Valastro Jail Time